Thursday, November 19, 2009

DVD! DVD! Satu Lima Ringgit!

I'm officially so-called Muhammad's girlfriend. He proposed to me the other day over Facebook. And today, I accept it! Woohoo! That is all for now! Need to get back writing my drama script! Booorrrriiiiinnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg!!!

* Owned *

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If You Don't Know Anything, It's Best To Remain Silent

It's been awhile since I blog. Well, nothing to shout about in my life. It is time for me to change the genre of my writings. Rather than whining, that is. This time around I will be focusing more on the current issues, my own perception and perspective in the upcoming issues.

On today's entry, I will not touch on anything as I want to rant about something else. Hehehe. Dah lama tak rant kat sini. For this past few months, many things had happened. For example, my favourite aunties and uncle went to perform Hajj. As usual, I cried. Who doesn't? Wait, my brother doesn't. Its been a month or so since they left. Every week my parents have to travel back to Kelantan to look after the rascals. One of the many things that these rascals did while their parents were away was role-playing. Baby likes to watch Awan Dania so much she decided to be one, that is. What she did was, she dragged my mother to one of the malls in Kota Bharu and bought herself a pair of black socks and a pair of black shoes. Haha. As soon as they get back home, she put on her socks and shoes and started to role herself as a Flight Attendant. And, as usual, my mother was her primary victim in this role-playing. The only thing that she could ever think of me is Muffin and Cupcakes. I'm her Muffkins after all.

I miss politics ranting.

* Owned *