Thursday, July 30, 2009

Glory Glory Faiq Azim

This is Faiq with his brother, Fiqri

Faiq is one of the aspiration of me wanting to lose weight, apart from Mama and AhLong. We've known each other way long when I was in Multimedia University (MMU). Time tu malu2 nak tegur Faiq. Yer la, dah la tak lawa, mesti dia ni tak kenal. Kalau tegur, tak layan free2 dia lepak dengan budak2 pandai jer...I ni mana la pandai sangat. Result pun nyawa2 ikan ajer! Kitorang dalam class yang sama la...almost all classes la because Faiq dalam group 3 and I was in group 4. Notice la jugak Faiq ni asyik berkepit dengan Ali Redha. And diorang sangat contra oke ! Contra as in Faiq ni as you can see in the picture chubby2 choymel and Ali tu kurus keding melidi. BUt, from what I heard, diorang ni kenal way before masuk MMU lagi. Al-maklumlah, pergi skool yang sama.

Faiq and I jarang talk to each other. Kalau talk pun, sekejap2 jer. Takde la sampai nak hangout. I understood why you don't want to. Hehehe. Anyway, Faiq dulu was a sehat boy. Nak pergi dekat pun macam takut2. Sekali dia pukul jauh pergi melayang nanti. But, dia tak macam tu. As a matter of fact dia sangat caring and sensitive to other people's emotions. Girls, siapa2 nak dia silalah ke Fesbuknya oke! Never it crossed in my mind yang dia ni low in confidence sebab bila I tengok dia buat presentation, he did it with all his heart. Until recently, he confided to me that he wants to change himself. Change as in wanting to be healthier and keeping himself fit. He was very enthusiastic in this mission.

It hit me there and then! I was talking to myself kalau Faiq can do it, so can I! But, it turned out that Faiq is much more discipline than I am! Malu dibuatnya! Dia sangat determine to keep himself fit and he never gives up! Everyday, without fail, dia akan pergi jogging together with his trusted buddy, iPod, and both of them run the track without fail. Even when he is fasting! I myself couldn't do what he did. To great lengths just to keep himself fit. When it comes to food, dia avoid oily food. Nasi tak sentuh langsung. Paling2 pun roti! Dia sangat menjaga dietnya, unlike me! Tak makan nasi 5 hari then after that 5 days cannot tahan. Nak juga cari nasi. Thanxs to that kenduri kahwin, it spoils my diet! Haha! Nak blame kenduri kahwin juga! Nasib baek lauk pauk dia sedap! Hihihi...last2 dia dah fit juga! You should see him before this. Gila ghell chubbynya! Yer2! Teddy bear bergerak! Hahaha!

Let me list down the reason why Faiq is my inspiration:

  • Discipline - Jog without fail
  • Determination - Set his own goals for toning himself down
  • Sincerity - Sincere in his own goals
  • All-out - Giving his best in losing weight
  • Reality-checked - He realized that he needs to take care of his body

Faiq, you are one of the friends that I care and you complete the circle of friends eventhough we seldom meet and hangout but you're always there whenever I'm in my emotional breakdown or mentally breakdown or which ever that suits you. Thank you, Faiq Azim!

p/s - If you notice my entry ada hitam merah, itu sebab Faiq is a big fan of ManUtd. Well, the picture is worth thousand words. Haha.

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